Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Texas inmate’s scheduled execution delayed due to new “scientific evidence”

Rodney Reed's new legal team wins a stay of execution for him.  (Image: KXAN)
Rodney Reed’s new legal team wins a stay of execution for him. (Image: KXAN)

AUSTIN (KXAN) – Rodney Reed’s execution, scheduled for next week, has been put on hold.

According to the court order postponing Reed’s execution for the 1996 murder of Stacey Stites, Reed’s new defense team has newly discovered evidence that supports his claims of innocence and there is new “scientific evidence” that establishes his “probable innocence.”

Reed, who was scheduled to be put to death March 5, has always maintained his innocence. Reed’s family, including his brother Roderick, has campaigned for the stay of execution, the inclusion of more DNA evidence and for Reed’s exoneration. Roderick said this ruling is a major turning point in the case.

“We’re happy about the stay, but we’re still fighting to free Rodney Reed,” he said. “The fight goes on, but the stay is wonderful, great news and is a step in the direction we’re trying to get.”

Read the full story here.


  1. The state of Texas needs to come out of the sixteen hundreds (1600’s) and stop murdering folks. The death penalty has rarely fixed anything of significance. It also cost too much, kills innocent people, is unfair to the poor, is unfair to minorities and gives the entire state a bad name. All over the world, the word Texas has become synonymous with stupidity and backwardness. Let me stop here because they may be coming for me next…

  2. I have to admit — I am not opposed to the death penalty. What I hate is the fact it usually only works against those who cannot afford a defense.

  3. Confession is good for the soul. And the truth shall set you free. Even though our Christian religion tells us that vengeance is the Lords, most of us believe it is ours – or our governments’. Therefore, we need the Texas death penalty to avenge some of those who have been wronged. But there are other real world reasons to abolish the death penalty. What should be number one in this “material world” is that it cost more for the state to murder a person than it does for the government to lock a person up for life. However, that doesn’t seem to register in a state like Texas where so many of us are filthy rich due to our oil money….right? Also, the wrongful murder of one innocent person by the state murder system should be enough to throw out the death penalty right?…wrong. Also, disproportionate murder by Texas of poor and black and Hispanic populations should show that the state murder system is not working and should be discarded….right?….wrong. Put plain and simply, the US and Texas, etc. are just behind the curve on the death penalty question.

  4. Peace and a long life. Also, there are good material reasons…for folk who see the benefit of saving precious dollars.


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