Saturday, July 20, 2024

Statins unlikely to harm short-term memory

"This is a very effective therapy, which is very safe," says Brian L. Strom. "No drug is completely safe. But it has an opportunity to dramatically reduce heart disease in the country. People shouldn't steer away from the drug because of false fear of memory problems." (Credit: "medicine" via Shutterstock)
“This is a very effective therapy, which is very safe,” says Brian L. Strom. “No drug is completely safe. But it has an opportunity to dramatically reduce heart disease in the country. People shouldn’t steer away from the drug because of false fear of memory problems.” (Credit: “medicine” via Shutterstock)

By: Dory Devlin

Rutgers University

(Futurity) – A study of nearly one million patients contradicts previous assertions that cholesterol-lowering statin drugs cause short-term memory loss.

Researchers examined the link between cholesterol-lowering drugs and memory impairment and determined statins likely do not cause short-term memory loss.

Limited previous studies and some statin-drug takers have anecdotally reported memory lapses after taking popular lipid-lowering drugs (LLDs) called statins, says Brian L. Strom, chancellor of Rutgers Biomedical and Health Sciences (RBHS) and lead study author.

The result has been that some people have stopped taking their statins, inappropriately, Strom says.

About 610,000 people die of heart disease in the United States every year—that’s 1 in every 4 deaths, according to the Centers for Disease Control. One in four Americans over age 45 take statins, drugs that inhibit a liver enzyme that controls the synthesis of cholesterol and lowers LDL, commonly known as “bad cholesterol.”

Statins have proven very effective at lowering high cholesterol, one of the major risk factors for heart disease, and preventing heart attacks and deaths. If a statin drug alone is not effectively reducing cholesterol numbers or a patient doesn’t tolerate the drug, nonstatins are often prescribed, Strom says.

‘Detection bias’

The study, published in The Journal of the American Medical Association-Internal Medicine, compared new users of statins with people not taking statins. New statin users also were compared to a second control group—patients taking nonstatin LLDs—which had not been done before.

More patients taking statins indeed reported memory loss in the 30-day period after first taking the drugs, compared to non-users, the study found. The same, however, was found with the nonstatin LLDs.

“Either it means that anything that lowers cholesterol has the same effect on short-term memory, which is not scientifically credible because you’re dealing with drugs with completely different structures,” Strom says. Or, he says, “detection bias” is more likely the reason, meaning patients taking a new drug visit their doctors more frequently and are highly attuned to their health.

“When patients are put on statins or any new drug, they’re seen more often by their doctor, or they themselves are paying attention to whether anything is wrong,” Strom says. “So if they have a memory problem, they’re going to notice it. Even if it has nothing to do with the drug, they’re going to blame it on the drug.”

Other studies have already confirmed that statins improve long-term memory, so Strom says the findings indicate short-term memory loss is not a concern either: “You shouldn’t worry about short-term memory problems from any statins and, long-term, we know they improve memory.”

‘False fear’

The upshot: “People who have high cholesterol should be on statins,” Strom says. Statins include atorvastatin, cerivastatin, fluvastatin, pravastatin, and simvastatin, while nonstatin LLDs include cholestyramine, colestipol hydrochloride, colesevelam, clofibrate, and gemfibrozil.

“This is a very effective therapy, which is very safe,” Strom says. “No drug is completely safe. But it has an opportunity to dramatically reduce heart disease in the country. People shouldn’t steer away from the drug because of false fear of memory problems.”

The study compared 482,542 individuals taking statin medications to 482,543 randomly selected individuals not taking any LLDs. The second control group included 26,484 users of nonstatin LLDs.

Strom conducted the research with researchers from the University of Pennsylvania. Researchers analyzed patients’ primary medical records from general practitioners in the United Kingdom from The Health Improvement Network from July 2013 to January 2015.

Patients with a prior history of cognitive dysfunction and conditions including Alzheimer’s, dementia, Parkinson’s, Huntington disease, brain tumors, and other brain infections were excluded.

Researchers from University of Pennsylvania contributed to the study. The National Institutes of Health supported the work.




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