Saturday, July 20, 2024

Judge rules there is probable cause for charges in death of Tamir Rice

Tamir Rice was killed by a Cleveland police officer while playing with a toy gun.
Tamir Rice was killed by a Cleveland police officer while playing with a toy gun.

Acting under a rarely used provision of Ohio state law, a judge found probable cause Thursday to charge Cleveland police Officer Timothy Loehmann with murder in the fatal shooting of 12-year-old Tamir Rice last year.

Cleveland Municipal Court Judge Ronald Adrine agreed with local activists who took the unusual step of independently seeking charges because they’d lost confidence in the grand jury process.

Read more here.



    What Can Happen If Police Officers and District Attorneys continue to Abuse “I was in fear for my life or that of another and I only had a split second to respond, killing unarmed, easily disarmed or Mentally Ill people and those severely intoxicated on public streets or by entering homes via Dynamic Entry Surprise Tactics by error? This is an epidemic situation.
    Watch if you can stomach this:
    In recent years and currently we have hundreds of Militarized Police Departments killing and wounding citizens at an alarming rate. Deaths in custody are growing as well as Pull Up and Shoot First” incidents like the 12 year old black child in Cleveland or the 60 patrol car chase and the 100 officers firing of more than 150 bullets and shotgun blasts at a blocked in car containing two black people who were unarmed. An incident motivated by a false report of an officer who claimed to be shot at and other officers who shot at the vehicle causing the occupants to flee. Then additional officers, falsifying, seeing the occupants loading and aiming guns at police as they fled. In the end one officer after 100 shots were fired jumped out from behind safety, jumped onto the hood of the blocked car and fired 42 rounds into the windshield. Acquitted because there was no way to determine which officer killed them. No ballistics were initiated and the law is simple, the Judge found the officer was in fear for his life and was exempt from the killings due to “even an unrealistic fear” and there was a reasonable doubt as to whether his BULLET killed the woman or man first.
    Get a call, show up, scream and yell orders at people who lack volitional control or cognition (and you know it) and shoot them until your blood thirst is satisfied:
    So where do we stand when a Police Department like SJPD, Santa Clara PD, the SC Sheriff’s Office and Sunnyvale PD and a District Attorney like Jeff Rosen exonerates Police Officers who are now Media Exposed as men and woman who are protected from being responsible to use sufficient numbers of officers, Mace, Nightsticks and Tasers to subdue minimally armed or unarmed citizens instead of yelling and screaming demands at people who lack volitional control, then executing them? Where is this going, a solidified Government that now encircles itself and produces tanks, armored vehicles, grenades and automatic weapons to occupy the streets and kill people, refusing to release the video because the cop is not charged and neither is the victim. The Heinrich Himmler Syndrome. I am 75 and live in Zurich, far from the insanity, so for me it just doesn’t matter but I know people will grow tired of it when enough average good citizens become threatened and become of one mind about the unstables that represent our Police Departments.
    What happens when CCW becomes widely common and people witness Police beatings and the killing of people like the LAPD female officer on trial for beating the handcuffed and hog tied suspect and leaving her to die in the back seat of the patrol car or this incident of pure assassination on the streets of Saint Louis See: Two officers with 4 more seconds away with a crazy man and a pocket knife. Each officer had a Taser, night stick and baton and the training to subdue him. They got out of their Patrol cars yelled and shot him eight times. How might it stop, by violent intervention from citizens who are also armed like those in Arizona who were faced down with guns and stood tall with theirs and courage? We have had an example in San Jose where a mentally deficient man under the influence but aware of the recent and multiple media stories of SJPD disgracefully killing the mentally ill they were called to help. This time he took his rifle and shot first when they came for him in his house. He had committed no crime but to have his wife get angry with him and a man in uniform with a gun coming at him.
    Self-defense is defined as the right to prevent suffering force or violence through the use of a sufficient level of counteracting force or violence. As a general rule, self-defense only justifies the use of force when it is used in response to an immediate threat. The threat can be verbal, as long as it puts the intended victim in an immediate fear of physical harm. Sometimes self-defense is justified even if the perceived aggressor didn’t actually mean the perceived victim any harm. What matters in these situations is whether a “reasonable man” in the same situation would have perceived an immediate threat of physical harm. The use of self-defense must also match the level of the threat in question. In other words, a person can only employ as much force as required to remove the threat. If the threat involves deadly force, the person defending themselves can use deadly force to counteract the threat the original laws regarding self-defense required people claiming self-defense to first make an attempt to avoid the violence before using force. In contrast to the duty to retreat, many states have enacted so-called “stand your ground” laws. These laws remove the duty to retreat and allow for a claim of self-defense even if the claimant did nothing to flee from the threat of violence. Even in states that require a person to retreat from the threat of imminent harm before defending themselves, a person can often use deadly force against someone who unlawfully enters their home. This rule, also known as “the castle doctrine,” allows people to defend their homes against intruders through lethal force.
    Now the day is coming when Police Officers, who often get it wrong, but get exonerated and protected by men like Rosen, will face armed citizens who will step in and bring improper conduct to a halt. I would not want to be the next cop who arrogantly and without any real justification draws his weapon, points it at someone on the street or during a mistaken Dynamic Entry who absolutely hasn’t committed a crime, isn’t committing a crime and isn’t planning to commit a crime giving that legally armed citizen an immediate fear for his life and the right to defend himself against an unstable Police Officer. When juries are allowed to hear all such cases instead of a DA, Defense Attorney and Judge handpicked to exonerate on technicalities, we will have a fair system where the citizen goes free due to self-defense also.


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