Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Bree Newsome went to jail but not the McKinney cop who assaulted teen

bree newsomeBree Newsome recently posted a tweet that points out the fact she has spent more time in jail than McKinney Police Corporal Eric Casebolt who was videotaped throwing a teenage girl on the ground. His treatment of her was denounced by his own police chief. However, Casebolt has not spent a single day in jail. He resigned in an effort to preserve his pension and avoid further action by the police department.

Newsome has gained national attention following her arrest for removing the Confederate flag from the front of the South Carolina Statehouse. In an interview with CBS she shared on Thursday that she would “absolutely” do it again because the banner is a symbol of white supremacy, hatred and racial terror.

Do you think Casebolt should face charges for his action — do you think he will actually face charges?



  1. “Do you think Casebolt should face charges for his action — do you think he action will be charged?”

    In my opinion, the answer is in the “symbolism of power”.
    The power of the shield which our American officers are protected with, allows them to commit crimes, including assault and murder against our citizens, with no consequences. They work for the power and, therefore, are protected by the power. Former Officer Casebolt will be protected by that power because while he was an officer, he was acting within the parameters of his power allotted by the “shield”.

    Yet, the symbolism of power for the confederate flag serves as a reminder of history of what was, and still in many cases, what is. Ms. Newsome has boldly and bravely threatened that power. Therefore, in the eyes of white supremacy racism, she must be made example of.

    Ms. Newsome’s imprisonment is being utilized as control to establish fear for standing up and speaking truth to power in her actions of civil disobedience. While former Officer Casebolt’s freedom is his reward for upholding the power of the shield.

  2. Casebolt did a standard takedown of a violent suspect. That’s what police are SUPPOSED to do in situations like that. He escaped being fired for making his department look bad but that’s all he did wrong. He did nothing illegal whatsoever. Bree Newsome trespassed on the grounds of the state capitol and defaced a monument. Those are both real crimes spelled out by law. There is no comparison. Newsome also demonstrated extraordinary disrespect for the law, considering that legislation to remove the battle flag from the Confederate soldiers’ memorial was already in the works when she staged her stunt. The flag WILL be taken down. Legally. She shouldn’t be fined. Her accomplices will happily pay whatever fine there is. She should go to jail for the max.

  3. This from someone who is not brave enough to use their own real name and clearly has no sense of history of the United States of America.


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