Tuesday, July 16, 2024

DNC unimpressed by Trump’s immigration plan

Donald Trump
Donald Trump

DNC Director of Hispanic Media, Pablo Manriquez’s statement in response to Donald Trump’s immigration plan:

“Trump has reignited the GOP’s longstanding obsession with mass deportation. Like his fellow GOP candidates Jeb Bush, Scott Walker, Marco Rubio and others, GOP front runner trump dismisses a full and equal pathway to citizenship for hardworking immigrants. The GOP should quit treating these families as second class citizens and join democrats who support immigrant families and want to keep them together.”


  1. He says: “The GOP should quit treating these families as second class citizens and join democrats who support immigrant families and want to keep them together.””

    LOL! They’re NOT citizens at all, so class doesn’t matter! They are Aliens–meaning NOT citizens, and they’re here illegally, meaning they did not get approval to cross the border; therefore Illegal Aliens–not citizens…

    Unless the GOP Chamber of Commerce establishment in Washington DC and democrats everywhere (who want the perpetual votes) get their way and grant amnesty!

  2. I will agree the term citizens seems to have been used incorrectly here. My guess is they were referring to the children of these immigrants but it is not clear.

  3. We are not talking about Immigrants nor about Citizens. The Trump plan is about ILLEGALS. There are some 11 Millions of illegal Mexicans in the USA. That is what the trump plan is proposing to fix.


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