Thursday, September 26, 2024

Death is sending you a one night invite at the Jubilee Theatre

There’s Been a Death And You’re Invited! image:
There’s Been a Death
And You’re Invited!

Fans of the Jubilee Theatre are invited to laugh themselves to death at Obituary, a comedy written and performed by Akin Babatundé. This special one night only event on Nov. 12 will feature dinner and drink and they promise you’ll never be able to attend a funeral again with a straight face.

Death is never funny – but the mourners at a funeral can often be hilarious! Avon Von Schmidt is an interesting man who reads the the obituaries every day. If the obit sounds interesting, he puts on a dark suit and attends the funeral, even if he never knew the recently departed! He’s an expert funeral voyer and his commentary about the way some people behave during a last rites service promises to offer knock-dead comedy to enjoy.

Tickets start at $75for the festive event with proceeds going to Jubilee Theatre. Tickets may be purchased online at, in person at the theater Box Office, located at 506 Main Street or by calling 817-338-4411.


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