Sunday, June 30, 2024

Director responds to Trayvon Martin shooting by creating the “Unhood Your Mind” PSA

“I’m the proud father of two Black boys and the senseless killing of Trayvon Martin pisses me the hell off,” said director Mark Ridley. “I had to find a way to use that anger and make a difference.” He did. Ridley recently shot the Martin shooting inspired PSA titled “Unhood Your Mind.”

Ridley (left) and Forsythe work to edit "Unhood Your Mind" PSA. (RLC Photo)
“Mark’s made a powerful statement with the creation of a PSA made in the style of a music video,” said producer Jerry Boyd of Jerry Boyd Films. Ridley approached his producer with a concept and Boyd quickly moved into action putting the project together. “Once Mark gets an idea into his head, it won’t be long before he’s ready to shoot,” Boyd said. “He doesn’t let any grass grow under his feet.”

Ridley is now in post production with editor Darrin Forsythe. “Mark and I will pull several all-nighters before the PSA is completed,” said Forsythe. “What Mark wants will require at least 30 hours of old-fashioned, hard work. I appreciate the opportunity to work side by side with a force of natural like him.” The “Unhood Your Mind” PSA will be introduced to the world in about three weeks.



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