Thursday, November 21, 2024

An open letter to Governor Rick Perry

By Robert Franklin, NDG Special Contributor

Dear Governor Perry:

I want to apologize to you. According to a statement by your spokesperson regarding the recent legal maneuvers to stop funding Planned Parenthood under the Women’s Health Program, “Texas has a long history of protecting life.” I was apparently misinformed about this.

I had always believed that Texas had a long history of not protecting life.  My misunderstanding was based on a variety of errors.  Since Texas leads the nation in death row inmates, I stupidly assumed that this state devalued the lives of criminals to the status of animals to be put down, rather than just removing them from society.  Since Texas leads the nation in executions, while also leading the nation in murder convictions being overturned. I thought it was state policy to execute them quickly before they could be exonerated.

Since Texas leads the way in gun ownership as well as homicides resulting from gun abuse, yet the policy of Texas is not to try to control or issue common sense regulations for the licensing of firearms, the state had turned its back on protecting the law abiding citizen from harm by increasing the numbers of guns on the street.  By promoting the possession of guns on college campuses, I thought the plan was to quickly liquidate those educated college snobs, who are considered the root of all the evils in this state.  And by adopting a policy that anyone should be able to shoot to kill to protect their television set, they have clearly elevated property above the value of human life.  Thanks to the Governor’s spokesperson, however, I now realize my mistake.  All these policies are clearly designed to continue the ‘long history of promoting life.’

I foolishly thought that by cutting funding for the Women’s Health Program in an attempt to put Planned Parenthood out of business, the number of deaths caused by undiagnosed breast cancer, cervical cancer, ovarian cancer and the deaths of infants due to lack of pre-natal care would rise dramatically. Further, the number of unplanned pregnancies due to the lack of access to contraception would actually increase the number of abortions sought by poor women. Thank you, Governor Perry, for clarifying this for me.

Plans to cut Medicaid funding for the poor will put these people in life threatening positions because they cannot afford proper health care. My concern about the mortality rates for these people was obviously wrong, however, because you made it clear that Texas has a ‘long history of protecting life.’

I similarly felt that the huge cuts in the educational programs in Texas would result in ever increasing numbers of under-educated workers, doomed to toil in minimum wage jobs. I really feel foolish about this one.

So thank you, Governor, for setting me straight.  Texas does have a long history of protecting life. I now believe this because, contrary to all the evidence, your single statement of this ‘long history of protecting life’ has convinced me.  Now, as to the quality of life, well I guess that is a different question.

Robert Franklin is a member of North Dallas Texas Democratic Women.


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