Sunday, July 7, 2024

Democrats claim a moral victory as they end gun control sit-in

#NoBillNoBreak via Instagram
#NoBillNoBreak via Instagram

Georgia Rep. John Lewis declared victory Thursday as he and the other Democrats who staged a revolt in the House of Representatives suspended their more than 25 hour sit-in in the Capitol.

While they weren’t able to get the Republicans to vote on two controversial gun control bills, Lewis said they got their point across to the American people.

“By sitting in, we’re really standing up for the rest of America,” Lewis, an icon of the Civil Rights movement, said a litte after 1 p.m. “It’s not a struggle that lasts for one day, one week, one month, one year.”

But eventually, Lewis said, they will win.

Read here.


  1. A moral victory? How so?
    By my accounting it was a 100% victory on all counts.

    Let me know where i get this incorrect.

    1) They got a ton of money fundraising on this issue.
    2) They got a ton of media attention and praise for their stance on this issue.
    3) They didn’t fix anything, so they get to keep this issue to campaign and fundraise on tomorrow.

    Which one of those do you think they didn’t want?

    Oh, you thought they wanted to get gun control, end this issue and have to learn a new issue to fundraise and campaign on?
    That’s cute, No,
    Nobody in Congress wants to actually fix issues and have to learn new issues.
    They just want to pretend to WANT to fix issues so they can fundraise and campaign on the same handful of issues forever.


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