Sunday, June 30, 2024

Operating under a Trump Administration: Unity will Trump Division

DFW women boarded busses to attend the Women’s March on Austin; meanwhile, thousands marched in Dallas as well. (Image: NDG)

By Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson

The early phases of Donald Trump’s Presidency have been very alarming for some.  The roll out of his executive actions, particularly the hasty immigration ban, have showcased that the administration lacks fundamental knowledge when it comes to creating policies that impact the lives of millions, causing great discomfort for many Americans in the process. The Administration should work with both Democrat and Republican lawmakers when creating policies that impact the livelihood of our constituents. However, as a senior Member of Congress and a former Chairwoman of the Congressional Black Caucus (CBC), I would welcome the opportunity to offer the President Trump ways to improve his representation of the people it serves.

The President ran an aggressive campaign full of promises: 

  • to repeal Obamacare,
  • reconstruct an elusive border wall,
  • put a stop to refugees entering our country; and
  • place America “first” when dealing with complicated international issues.

As these promises become increasingly difficult to deliver, concerned citizens have united to voice protest in a powerful and impressive way. 

One day after President Trump’s inauguration millions of women, men, and children marched in the streets in Dallas, multiple U.S. cities and worldwide in solidarity:

  • to respect the rights of women,
  • to show they do not fear immigrants,
  • to protect our planet; and
  • to call for justice and to respect the rights of Blacks, Latinos, Asians and the LGBT community.

The Women’s March was the catalyst needed to reenergize and encourage momentum to show disapproval with the Administration’s goal to divide us in our country. The Administration must work with and consult Congress before more life-altering errors occur. 

For example, the executive order travel ban was ill conceived in that it was not clear on the status of green card holders and permanent residents. Furthermore, it was discriminatory to a religion, it specifically identified Muslim-majority countries. Meanwhile, hundreds of selfless people showed up to the Dallas-Fort Worth airport in opposition to the travel ban and to show the Administration their actions were divisive and were tearing families apart. The travel ban did not and will never represent the values we hold dearly here in my congressional district or across the country.

The Administration’s lack of a cohesive response in trying times was showcased this week when the president did not have organized or thoughtful remarks condemning the threats on the Jewish Community Centers across our nation. Discriminatory tensions in our nation continue to be alarming and hateful actions like these must be condemned unequivocally and addressed swiftly. I would like to see policies administered by the president and his cabinet that positively impacts District 30 rather than the creation of policies that will hurt the economic growth or stifle the civil liberties granted to each person. We need to operate in a peaceful environment because operating in turmoil the last month has only hurt Americans. 

I am proud of my constituents in North Texas and Americans across the country who have continued to call Congressional offices and have participated in various town halls and platforms to voice their concerns. May the values we cherish be a symbol of unity that our nation represents.


  1. “May the values we cherish be a symbol of unity that our nation represents.”…and may Dallas one day have Congressional representatives who are willing to throw down and go to war against wrong doing in high places – from day one…as opposed to waiting for a mass movement against Trump and his evil ways to develop and then trying to act like they have supported the movement all along…I thought Eddie B. was concerned about representing her Republican constituents and showing respect/support for the Trump administration by not boycotting the inauguration…somebody speaketh with forked tongue and whatnot…

  2. No matter who holds the office, the office of POTUS deserves respect. Attending the inauguration was appropriate for her position. Just as it was appropriate for former Presidents Clinton, Bush and Obama to attend. Each of them have publically made their differences known to some degree.

    Would you accuse either men of speaking from forked tongues?

  3. As far as I’m concerned; all three of them have multi-pronged forks hanging out of their mouths. And just to be clear; I noticed that you referred to these former presidents as men. This is not about gender. This is about going up against wrong doing in high places like dozens (or more) of other people in Congress did. Dozens of representatives in Congress boycotted Trumps inauguration and called attention to the issues from the very beginning. The office of POTUS deserves NO respect if it delivers the dictates of the devil. If Eddie B. wants to represent me, she will stop trying to “straddle the fence” . ALL of our representatives should take a clear stand for the “99 per cent” and not the “1 %” that Donny T is working for.

  4. The reference to the fact the former presidents were men was a statement of fact, merely using the appropriate gender term. No political intention.


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