By: Sister Shirley Tarpley, NDG Religion Editor
There are news reports describing mothers that are abusing, and killing their children because of the stress in their lives. The news carried a story about three young children that died within the last three months by the hands of their mother. Being a mother has never been easy, but especially in this day and time with self-imposed pressures, lack of moral values, leaving God out of lives, and just daily decision making.
This coming Sunday is Mother’s Day. My column this week is a tribute to all Godly mothers. Godly mothers are not just birth mothers; they are stepmothers and mothers that have adopted children too! There are grandmothers and some great grandmothers, mother-in-laws and church mothers. There are little old ladies in neighborhoods that help watch out for children. Also, mothers that gave up a child for adoption because she believed (right or wrong) that it was better for the child to give him or her up. There is no comparison to Godly mothers; may God continue to richly bless each and every one of them.
This Sunday, if you wear a red rose (for a mother who is alive) a white rose (for a deceased mother) or like I have done since my mother’s death in 1984, no rose at all (at first because it was too painful for me to wear a white rose; and because I know that my mother is alive in Heaven.)
Thank God for your mother. No one else will love you more, or as unconditionally!
Mother, These Are the Gifts that I would Like to Give to You: A Heartfelt Thank-You for all of the things you do or have done for me. My Assurance that I really do remember the things that you taught me; and I always will. Plenty of Reasons for you to feel proud of me, which I will achieve by always striving to be, and to do my best. A Sincere Apology for any and all headaches that I caused you when I was growing up. A Gift Certificate of Love to be redeemed anytime, and as many times as you want for anything that I can ever do for you. My Promise that no matter how far away from home that I may travel, you are never far from my heart. My Continued Commitment to our family and the values that you have taught me. My Recognition for all the great things that you have done in your life (not the least of which was me!) An Invitation to always be a part of my life, and to never feel that you have to ask. A Bunch of Wishes that you have the peace, joy, and happiness in your life, which you are so deserving of. My Love forever and always. –Anna Marie Edwards.
I Love You, Mother: Mother, you have always been to me a blessing and an inspiration, giving me security within your love. I know that I do not always follow the path that you might choose. I realize how much you wish to save me from the hurt of life, wishing for me to make only wise choices. Your pride in me is one of my most valued treasures, and when you are disappointed in me, I hurt too.
You have taught me through love an experience those things that make me who I am, and you give me the strength to believe in myself. You have shown me my ability to fulfill the potential that we all have. I may not always choose the easy path, and I may sometimes be wrong, but I have learned to make my own decisions, based on what I believe is right at the time – realizing that time may change my decision. Though you may not always understand my actions or my deeds, please know in your heart and soul that you, dearest Mother, are important to me.
Regardless of the path I walk, I will always respect your judgment, though I may not always accept it as my own. I love you, Mother, and I only hope that I can give to others as much of myself as you have given of yourself to me. – Teresa L. Cornett.
Please feel free to use anything you see in this column to use as a basis for you to pay a tribute to your mother.