Saturday, June 29, 2024

AD Jenkins is the right person to represent District 105

NDG’s View

AD Jenkins is a candidate in the March 6 Democratic primary for an opportunity to unseat the Republican incumbent Rodney Anderson for Texas House of Representatives, District 105 in the November general election. But first, he must defeat Terry Meza, his opponent in the March Democratic primary. Meza earned the chance to defeat Anderson in the two previous election cycles and was unsuccessful despite several key endorsements. The race was close enough to result in a recount, but ultimately the Tea Party candidate prevailed.

Jenkins receives the endorsement of the North Dallas Gazette because we believe he represents our best chance to unseat the incumbent. We have seen nothing in Meza’s campaign this year to encourage us to have confidence the results will be different against the Republican incumbent in November.

Irving City Councilmember Dennis Webb, openly laments how the Republican incumbent routinely supports the governor’s agenda and it has been a cause for frustrations for many on the Irving City Council with Anderson’s consistent alignment with the governor and the caps they have placed on the city.

It takes a determined individual, who after they endure the hardships of their past, use it as a stepping stone of opportunity and passion for helping others. AD Jenkins took the lessons he learned in the school of hard knocks and started a youth nonprofit called B.I.G. D.O.G.S., an organization that focuses on youth in low-income communities. Not only has he helped the students, but he has also served as a two-time board of trustees member for the Irving Independent School District (IISD). As a trustee member, he volunteers countless hours to ensure the equitable distribution of resources to the youth in the district.

A man like Jenkins understands the needs of the youth of Irving as well as those living throughout the Dallas and Fort Worth metro areas. But his capabilities to connect with the communities of Irving is not squarely dependent upon his youth connection through his organization or the IISD position. Jenkins has also fostered relationships with business owners, city officials, parents and the diverse communities in the area. His ability to understand the needs of these different groups in Irving allows him to stay connected to everyone.

“I have been able to stay connected with the kids of Irving ISD and within my youth organization, the parents, administrators… now it’s time to broaden the base of people who I am able to connect with using the platform of education, healthcare, transportation issues, drug prevention and domestic violence,” says AD Jenkins.

That’s why the North Dallas Gazette is proud to endorse candidate AD Jenkins for Texas House of Representatives District 105. His fearlessness and will do attitude is the type of attitude and determination we need to bridge the socioeconomic, educational and healthcare gaps that affect specific minority communities of Irving. Jenkins plan once he arrives in the House is detailed. He’s not there to make friends, but rather to identify and fix the needs of the residents of District 105.

NDG believes Jenkins has earned the support of voters for an opportunity to represent and address the needs of the community in the District 105. Early voting starts on Tuesday, Feb. 20 and the election is March 6.

We will be at the polls, will you?


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