Saturday, June 29, 2024

Dallas Holocaust Museum renews call for freedom of religion and to worship safely

Image via Chabad Synagogue of Poway’s website

Once again the faith community mourns and denounces a tragic shooting at a house of worship. As Passover was coming to an end, a 19-year-old white male entered the Chabad Synagogue of Poway, California, he shot four worshippers. A 60-year-old woman died, the other victims did not suffer life-threatening wounds. The suspect was arrested two miles away from the shooting soon afterward.

“We are heartsick that such a young man could be filled with blind hatred,” The Dallas Holocaust/Museum/Center for Education and Tolerance said in a statement on Sunday morning.

The shooting occurred six months to the day of the shooting at the Tree of Life Synagogue in Pittsburgh. A total of 11 were killed during this tragic shooting.

“We reject antisemitism and extremism in all forms and stand for freedom of religion and the right to worship safely,” the museum’s statement declared.

The leaders call on all to stand together to combat antisemitism and remind the community about the importance of teaching even our ugly history.  

Our abhorrence of antisemitism strengthens us in our commitment to our mission: to teach the history of the Holocaust and advance human rights to combat prejudice, hatred, and indifference.”



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