Thursday, July 18, 2024

Dallas entrepreneurs launch COVID-19 good news dashboard

InspireMore, one of the top Good News sites in the world, has launched the Coronavirus Good News Dashboard – a tool for people all over the globe to easily and quickly find daily sources of hope, positivity and inspiration during the COVID-19 outbreak.

The Coronavirus Good News Dashboard was built by the InspireMore team as a resource for individuals around the world seeking happiness and positivity within days of identifying the need for inspiration during the global pandemic, and hearing firsthand the mental health effects of COVID-19. The tool provides uplifting news and inspiring tips around COVID-19, such as encouraging news about the progress being made in the battle to stop the virus, creative fundraisers and acts of kindness occurring around the globe, tips on how to stay mentally healthy during this unprecedented time, and heartwarming media. InspireMore’s co-founders Robert Neely and Hunter Stensrud hope that this resource will help people across the globe unite and maintain positive mental health during COVID-19, seeing the good in daily interactions.

In a recent response to the Good News dashboard, a medical professional reached out to the team to share how it was positively impacting her day-to-day: “I am an RN in a hospital inundated with COVID patients. It’s terribly emotionally and physically draining. I haven’t found too many reasons to smile lately, but your beautiful, funny, inspiring, hopeful stories put a much-needed smile on my face.”

“At the start of COVID-19, we kept hearing people – our family, friends, readers – say that they were losing hope during this time of Coronavirus,” said Neely. “We wanted to instill that hope – we were hearing inspiring anecdotes of people all around the world trying to make a positive impact in their communities daily. We created the Coronavirus Good News Dashboard to provide access to these uplifting stories and people can feel that same hope and positivity within a moment’s notice.”

The need for tools and aids providing positivity such as the Coronavirus Good News Dashboard has never been greater than during the COVID-19 pandemic, a time when many people may feel as though there is a lack of hope or positivity in their world – and a time when depression and anxiety are expected to rise. Police from Portland, Or. – a hotspot for Coronavirus – reported a 23 percent increase in calls involving suicide attempts or suicide threats from ten days prior to the state of emergency. And it’s not just about mental health. Positivity and happiness are also proven to help boost the immune system and reduce stress – necessities during the outbreak. According to Johns Hopkins Medicine, people with a positive outlook are 13 percent less likely than those with a negative outlook to have a heart attack or other coronary event. And, less happy people are three times more likely to develop the common cold compared to happier counterparts.

“Since the COVID-19 outbreak, we have seen an uptick in people accessing these positive bits of info and tips and our engagement rates have skyrocketed,” said Strensrud. “It’s clear people are desperate for glimmers of hope and joy during this time, and we have seen how this Good News Dashboard lifts the spirits of people all over the world.”

The media is sourced from across the globe using  InspireMore’s content identifying technologies, a human network of content discoverers, and a vast pool of submissions from InspireMore users.  All entries on the dashboard are picked to encourage hope, gratitude, and joy… so as to actually boost mental health & overall well-being.

Licensed Professional Counselor, Audrey Hardin (MS, LPC), says “InspireMore’s Good News Dashboard is a timely resource that I personally use and refer to my clients to create awareness for the many things we can be grateful for. Choosing gratitude boosts the neurotransmitter serotonin and activates your brain stem production of dopamine – one of the ‘feel-good’ chemicals in our brain. In other words, gratitude actually makes us feel happier.”

InspireMore started only six years ago and has reached 500M online fans around the world by sharing solely positive, uplifting information. Users of InspireMore have written to the co-founders sharing how InspireMore content saved them from depression and even the brink of suicide.

For more information about the Coronavirus Good News Dashboard, please visit



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