Thursday, July 18, 2024

Will two mass shootings in less than 24 hours be the tipping point in America?

Presidential candidate, Mayor Pete Buttigieg speaking at a campaign event on Saturday, warns that America is under attack from within. (Image: Screenshot from video shared via Twitter)

By: Ruth Ferguson, NDG Editor

Another day and night in America, more mass shootings in America.

When I wrote this story seven hours ago, it was primarily related to the tragedy in El Paso. Yet for those of us still awake, we are learning about mass shootings in Dayton, Ohio with possibly as many as 9 killed according to early reports by the Dayton Daily News.

Tragically we have reached a point that such events have evolved from rare to commonplace. In the last seven days, we have witnessed two shootings at a Walmart store, and one at a food festival. Currently, the death count stands at 25 lives lost, during this week to just three incidents which rose to national headlines. Sadly, it could go higher as the fate of several victims in El Paso, and now Dayton, remains uncertain.

“The Justice Department joins in mourning with the people of El Paso, Texas. Those who commit such atrocities should be held accountable swiftly and to the fullest extent the law allows,” Attorney General William P. Barr said Saturday night.

However, earlier in the day, presidential candidate Mayor Pete Buttigieg’s comments at a campaign event reflected the beliefs of many. This is a self-inflicted American problem and we can do better.

“America is under attack from homegrown white nationalist terrorism,” Buttigieg said. “White nationalism is evil. And it is inspiring people to commit murder, and it is being condoned at the highest levels of the American government, and that has to end.”

He spoke of how the attacks from external enemies on 9/11 led to change. But where is the change from those who are seeking to create a sense of fear from within?

Yes, the occupant of the White House in some ways appeals to our inner demons, versus encouraging our better angels. But as NDG’s Senior Columnist Ed Gray pointed out this week, he is not the first racist to live and work in the White House. They may fuel the flames, but either the seeds of hate are in the heart of someone, or they are not.

Same song, tragic second verse

We hear the familiar words from leaders calling on the nation to join together and keep the victims, their families, first responders, and the community in our thoughts and prayers. And yes, if we believe in the power of prayer, we should never decline a chance to petition the Lord for help. However, some of us might remember that faith without works is dead.

“What does it profit, my brethren, if someone says he has faith but does not have works? Can faith save him? If a brother or sister is naked and destitute of daily food, and one of you says to them, ‘Depart in peace, be warmed and filled,’ but you do not give them the things which are needed for the body, what does it profit? Thus also faith by itself, if it does not have works, is dead.” James 2:14-17

It is not complicated to consider we need fair, balanced, responsible gun control laws. It is not hard to believe we need to value lives more than the fate and profits of the National Rifle Association (NRA) and gun manufacturers.

And yes, we realize, people, not guns, kill people. Denying the need for a meaningful solution is needed is ludicrous. Meanwhile, tragically a 2-year-old and 82-year-old are murdered while shopping on a Saturday morning. Are we not living in denial of our responsibility to help improve our situation?

Instead, the NRA will encourage us to take up our arms. By Sunday morning, a pundit will suggest if someone in Walmart with a legally carried weapon was present, they could have saved lives. Maybe that is true.

But is that the type of country we want to be? Listening to reports this afternoon while driving by a local WalMart I wondered, will places like this eventually have to install metal detectors? Reportedly WalMart allows shoppers to bring in their weapons openly displayed per the laws of Texas. A manager may request proof of the proper permits. Will this policy change?

It should be noted the shooting earlier this week in Mississippi resulting in the death of two employees, reportedly involved a disgruntled former employee.

However, today’s shooting at the WalMart in El Paso and last Sunday at The Gilroy Garlic Festival in Gilroy, California were crimes allegedly committed by young white males with far-right viewpoints shared via their social media accounts. The California shooter died of a self-inflicted gunshot the police announced on Aug. 2, and the El Paso shooter surrendered to police when approached.

Headlines will scream about racism; others will point to mental health issues left unaddressed. Indeed it is complicated, and there are no simple solutions. But as long as leaders motivated by donations insist on ignoring the elephant in the room, we will just keep offering thoughts and prayers.




  1. There will never be “a tipping point” for me. Everything has a price. The price for personal choice is that some people will choose wrong. No one can control someone else’s’ actions, however they can control how they respond to those person’s actions. If you are worried about your safety, get a gun and train up. Im not about to restrict access to legal firearms so any idiot with a metal 3D printer can corner the newly created black market.

    Additionally, the gun debate is over. Any machinist in the US (421500 people) can easily produce guns illegally. Secondly, 3D metal printing has almost been perfected. Making a gun will be easier than making cupcakes soon. Im far more interested in relevant issues like making sure the US government does not mandate encryption backdoors in software.


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