Thursday, July 18, 2024

Irving Mayor Beth Van Duyne and the search for a City Manager

Irving community activist
Irving community activist Anthony Bond

By Anthony Bond

Special to NDG Editorial

Allegations are being made that Irving Mayor Beth Van Duyne is unethical, deceitful, manipulative, untrustworthy, and diabolical and has orchestrated the Irving City Council into an ethical mess. At the center of the charges is a possible illegal meeting where a consensus of the City Council chose former Bellevue, Washington’s City Manager, Steve Sarkozy to lead Irving City Hall.

City Councilman Alan Meagher is extremely upset about the process followed, where Beth Van Duyne ramrodded the City Manager choice down the throat of Irving citizens illegally.

Councilman Meagher went on to say, “The mayor talks of transparency, but her actions in the past month do not reflect and open and fair process. For example, the mayor recently chose a developer for the Texas Stadium site and placed it on the agenda with no prior discussion with the rest of the City Council. In choosing a City Manager candidate and starting to negotiate his contract without any input from Irving citizens in an open forum is wrong.”

The mayor is also known to criticize the city for not having a request for proposal (RFP) process. That is she is critical for any projects without a RFP – except the projects she wants.  Beth Van Duyne, the Dallas Morning News and her connection to wealthy donors are all tied together and it is time the citizens of Irving know the truth about Beth Van Duyne and her inner circle.

As a demonstration of how conniving Mayor Van Duyne is, she recently attended a mayors meeting with mayors from across the state and preceded to attempt to organize several of these mayors, into a Republican mayor club, where she alleged told them, “We have to take back Dallas County for the Republicans.” Everyone knows City Council elections are non-partisan, but not so with Irving Mayor Beth Van Duyne. The latest flap over the search for a new city manager is a vivid example of how Mayor Beth Van Duyne operates.

She is known to preach ethics in the Dallas Morning News and then proceeds to do some of the most unethical things anyone has ever seen from an Irving mayor. We have not heard the last about this fiasco around choosing a new city manager, but the focus should also be on the unethical and diabolical schemes of Irving Mayor Beth Van Duyne.

The city elections are coming in May, Beth Van Duyne is running for reelection. In time, all her diabolical schemes, the biases toward her by the Dallas Morning News, and her ties to a few wealthy donors – who allegedly fund everything she does – will be revealed.

In the last three years Mayor Beth Van Duyne has overseen one of the most divisive regimes in Irving’s political history.

It’s time for a change!

Anthony Bond is the Founder of the Irving NAACP chapter and community activist for diversification and inclusion in Irving. You can reach Bond at 214-830-6719 or by email at



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